make money online

Try setting aside a few hours one night a week

to plan and prepare your meals so that in the

morning you can just grab your lunch and go.


Studies show that meal planning and

eating home-cooked meals are associ

ated with improved diet quality and a

lower risk of obesity.

8. Sleep Longer

Going to bed a bit earlier or setting your alarm

clock later to squeeze in some extra sleep

may help increase weight loss.

Several studies have found that sleep

deprivation may be associated with an

increased appetite

(20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).

One small study found that sleep restriction

increased hunger and cravings, especially for

high-carb, high-calorie foods

(22Trusted Source).

Lack of sleep has also been linked to an

increase in calorie intake.

In one study, 12 participants consumed an

average of 559 more calories after getting

just four hours of sleep, compared to when

they got a full eight hours

(23Trusted Source).

Establishing a healthy sleep schedule is a

critical component of weight loss, along with

eating well and exercising. To maximize your

results, aim for at least eight hours of

sleep per night.


Studies show that sleep deprivation may

increase appetite and cravings, as well as

calorie intake.

9. Switch up Your Commute

While driving may be one of the most

convenient ways to get to work, it may not be

so great for your waistline.

Research shows that walking, biking or using

public transportation may be tied to a lower

body weight and reduced risk of weight gain.

One study followed 822 people over four years

and found that those who commuted by car

tended to gain more weight than non-car

commuters (24Trusted Source).

Similarly, a study including 15,777 people

showed that using public transportation or

active methods of transport, such as walking

or biking, was associated with a significantly

lower body mass index and body fat

percentage, compared to using private

transportation (25Trusted Source).

Changing up your commute even a few times

per week may be a simple way to ramp up

weight loss.


Walking, biking and using public

transportation have all been associated

with less weight gain and lower body

weight and body fat, compared to driving

to work.

10. Start Tracking Your Intake

Keeping a food diary to track what you eat can

be an effective way to help boost weight loss

and keep yourself accountable.

One study tracked weight loss in 123 people

for one year and found that completing a food

journal was associated with a greater amount

of weight loss (26Trusted Source).

Another study showed that participants who

regularly used a tracking system to self-

monitor their diet and exercise lost more

weight than those who did not regularly use

the tracking system (27Trusted Source).

Similarly, a study of 220 obese women found

that the frequent and consistent use of a

self-monitoring tool helped improve long-term

weight management (28Trusted Source).

Try using an app or even just a pen and paper

to record what you eat and drink, starting

with your first meal of the day.


Studies have found that using a food diary

to track your intake can help increase

weight loss.

The Bottom Line

Making a few small changes to your morning

habits can be an easy and effective way to

increase weight loss.

Practicing healthy behaviors in the morning

can also get your day started on the right foot

and set you up for success.

For best results, make sure you combine these

morning habits with a well-rounded diet and

healthy lifestyle.

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Simple Steps

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Simple Steps

Start a custom weight loss program

Noom helps you adopt healthy habits so you

can lose weight and keep it off. Your program

is customized to your goals and fitness needs.

Just take a quick assessment and get started



Written by Rachael Link, MS, RD on January 4,


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Evidence Based

How Many Calories Should You Eat per Day to

Lose Weight?

Below is a simple scientific calorie calculator,

along with five evidence-based tips on how to

sustainably reduce your calorie intake.Enter

your details in the calculator below to figure

out how many calories you should be eating

per day to either maintain or lose weight.

The calculator is based on the Mifflin-St Jeor

equation, a formula that numerous studies

have shown to be an accurate way of

estimating calorie needs

(1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Calorie calculator

Calorie Counter


U.S. (Imperial)Metric











SelectSedentary lifestyleSlightly

activeModerately activeActive lifestyleVery

active lifestyle


This calculator is for informational purposes

only, you should consult a healthcare provider

before making any health decisions

. The calculator is based on the Mifflin-St.

Jeor equation, a formula that has been shown

to be an accurate way of estimating calorie

needs in numerous studies.

How many calories should you eat on


The answer to this question depends on

numerous factors, including your age, height,

current weight, activity level, and metabolic

health, among several others.

When trying to lose weight, a general rule of

thumb is to reduce your calorie intake to 500

fewer calories than your body needs to

maintain your current weight. This will help

you lose about 1 pound (0.45 kg) of body

weight per week.

Below are average calorie ranges that consider

these factors (4Trusted Source).


The average, moderately active woman

between the ages of 26–50 needs to eat

about 2,000 calories per day to maintain her

weight and 1,500 calories per day to lose

1 pound (0.45 kg) of weight per week.

Women who are active and walk more

than 3 miles per day will need to consume

2,200 calories or more daily to maintain their

weight and at least 1,700 calories to

lose 1 pound (0.45 kg) of weight per week.

Young women in their early 20s have higher

calorie needs. They require

about 2,200 calories per day

to maintain their weight.

Women over age 50 generally require fewer

calories. The average moderately active

woman over 50 needs about 1,800 calories

per day to maintain her weight and 1,300

calories per day to lose 1 pound

(0.45 kg) per week.

These estimates do not apply to women who

are pregnant or breastfeeding,

as they have significantly

higher calorie needs.


The average, moderately active man between

the ages of 26–45 needs 2,600 calories per

day to maintain his weight and 2,100 calories

per day to lose 1 (0.45 kg) pound per week.

Active men who walk more than 3 miles per

day may require 2,800–3,000 calories per day

to maintain their weight and 2,300–2,500

calories per day to lose 1 pound (0.45 kg)

of weight per week.

Young men ages 19–25 have higher energy


They require an average

of 2,800 calories per day to maintain their

weight and up to 3,000

if they’re active.

To lose 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week,

moderately active young men

should consume 2,300–2,500 calories daily.

Energy needs decrease as men age.

Between the ages of 46–65,

moderately active men need an average

of 2,400 calories per day.

After 66 years, the average man’s

calorie needs decrease

to about 2,200 calories per day.


Children have widely varying calorie needs

based on their age, size, and activity level.

Whereas the average toddler

requires 1,200–1,400 calories per day,

the average moderately

active teenager requires 2,000–2,800 calories

per day. Active teenage

boys require even more.

Children who are growing and developing

normally and engage in regular physical

activity usually don’t need to count calories.

When they’re provided with a range of

healthy options to eat, most moderately

active kids naturally eat the amount of food

their body requires.


Take our free 3-question diet quiz

Our free assessment ranks the best diets for

you based on your answers to 3 quick



What are calories?

A calorie is a unit that measures energy.

Calories are usually used to measure the

energy content of foods and beverages.

To lose weight, you need to eat

fewer calories than your body

burns each day.

How to reduce calorie intake

Calories are simply a measure of energy.

To gain weight, you need to consume more

calories than you expend.

Conversely, you lose weight

if you use more calories than you consume.

That said, cutting calories without considering

which foods you eat is usually not a

sustainable way to lose weight. For example,

choosing more nutrient-dense foods will

benefit your health

more than opting for nutrient-poor ones.

Though it works for some people, most

end up hungry and eventually revert

to their old habits.

For this reason, it’s highly recommended

to make a few other permanent

changes to help you maintain

a calorie deficit in the long term,

without feeling starved.

The following evidence-based eating and

lifestyle changes have been shown to help

people lose weight.

1. Eat more protein

When it comes to losing weight,

protein is the king of nutrients.

Adding protein to your diet is a simple,

effective way to lose weight

with minimal effort.

Studies show that protein both increases your

metabolic rate and helps curb your appetite

(5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source,

7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Because protein requires energy

to metabolize, a high protein diet

can increase the number of calories

you burn by 80–100 calories per day

(7Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source,

10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

Eating protein helps you stay fuller longer

and may help you consume fewer calories

throughout the day.

One older study showed that

people who ate 30% of calories

from protein ate 441 fewer calories per day

(12Trusted Source).

In other words, you can increase

the number of calories you burn

and decrease the number

of calories you consume simply

by adding protein to your diet.

Protein can also help fight cravings.

In one 2011 study,

consuming 25% of daily calories

from protein reduced obsessive thoughts

about food by 60%, as well

as the desire to snack late at night by 50%

(13Trusted Source).

If you want to lose weight

sustainably and with minimal effort,

consider increasing your protein intake.

It may not only help you lose weight

but also prevent or reduce weight

regain (14Trusted Source,

15Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source).


Increasing your protein intake can boost

your metabolism, fight cravings, and

significantly reduce appetite.

This can help you lose weight

and keep it off.

2. Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit juices

Another relatively easy

change you can make

is to eliminate liquid sugar

calories from your diet.

This includes sodas, fruit juices,

chocolate milk, and other

beverages with added sugar.

Your brain doesn’t register liquid calories

in the same way it registers solid calories.

For this reason, drinking sugary soda doesn’t

make your brain automatically compensate

by having you eat smaller amounts

of other things

instead (17Trusted Source,

18Trusted Source).

Studies have shown that sugary drinks are

strongly linked to an increased risk of obesity,

with one study in children showing a 60%

increased risk for each daily serving

of a sugar-sweetened beverage

(19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

The harmful effects of sugar go beyond weight

gain. It can have negative effects on

metabolic health and raise your risk

of many diseases (21Trusted Source).

Eating fruit, which also contains fiber

and other important nutrients,

isn’t associated with the same negative

effects as drinking fruit juice

or other sweetened beverages.

However, eating large amounts

of added sugar and sugary drinks

can harm your health

in a variety of ways.

There’s no physiological need

for these beverages,

and the long-term benefits

of avoiding them can be enormous.


It’s important to avoid sugary soft drinks

and fruit juices, as liquid sugar is the

single most fattening aspect of the

Western diet.

3. Drink more water

One very simple trick to increase weight loss

is to drink more water.

Studies have suggested drinking water

can increase the number of calories you burn

for up to 90 minutes

(22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).

Drinking about eight, 8-ounce glasses

(2 liters) of water per day

may make you burn about 96 more calories.

However, recent studies

suggest drinking water may

not increase the number of calories you burn

(24Trusted Source).

The timing of when you drink water

may be even more important.

Drinking water immediately before meals

may help reduce hunger

and make you eat fewer calories

(25Trusted Source).

In one 12-week study, drinking 17 ounces

(0.5 liters) of water half an hour before meals

made people lose 44% more weight

(26Trusted Source).

When combined with a healthy diet,

drinking more water, especially before meals,

appears to be helpful

if you need to lose weight.

Drinking caffeinated beverages,

such as coffee and green tea, may also boost

metabolism slightly, at least in the short term.

Doing so is associated with losing weight

and keeping it off

(27Trusted Source,

28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source,

30Trusted Source).


Some studies have shown that drinking

water may boost metabolism.

Drinking it half an hour before meals

can help you eat fewer calories.

4. Exercise and lift weights

When you eat fewer calories, your body

compensates by saving energy,

making you burn fewer calories.

This is why long-term calorie restriction can

significantly reduce your metabolism.

Plus, it can lead to a loss of muscle mass.

Muscle is metabolically active, so this can

reduce your metabolism even further.

The only proven strategy to prevent this effect

is to exert your muscles by lifting weights.

This has been repeatedly shown to prevent

muscle loss and stop your metabolism

from slowing during long-term

calorie restriction (31Trusted Source).

When trying to lose weight,

it’s important to maintain

or strengthen your muscles

in addition to losing fat.

If you can’t get to a gym,

consider doing bodyweight exercises,

such as pushups,

squats, and situps, at home.

Doing some cardio,

including walking,


or jogging,

can also be important —

not necessarily for weight loss

but for optimal health and general well-being.

What’s more, exercise has a variety

of other benefits that go beyond weight loss,

such as increased longevity and energy

levels, a lower risk of disease,

and simply feeling better

every day

(32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source,

34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source,

36Trusted Source).


Lifting weights is important,

as it reduces muscle loss

and prevents

your metabolic rate from slowing.

5. Reduce your refined carb intake

Cutting carbs is a very effective way to lose

weight, as it reduces appetite

and makes you eat fewer calories

(37Trusted Source, 38Trusted Source).

Studies have shown that eating a low carb diet

until fullness can make you lose about two

to three times more weight

than a calorie-restricted, low fat diet

(38Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source).

What’s more, low carb diets have many

other benefits for health,

especially for people with type 2 diabetes

or metabolic syndrome

(40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).

Yet, you don’t have to go low carb.

Simply ensure that you eat quality, fiber-rich

carb sources, focusing on whole,

single-ingredient foods.

If you stick to whole foods,

the exact composition of your diet

becomes less important.


Cutting carbs may aid weight loss

by reducing your appetite

and making you eat fewer calories.

The best online calorie counters

Many websites and apps can help you track

your calorie intake.

Try using a calorie counter for at least a few

days to see how many calories, carbs,

protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals

you’re actually eating.

Seeing the numbers like this can often

be eye-opening.

The bottom line

How many calories you need per day depends

on whether you want to maintain, lose, or

gain weight, as well as various other factors,

such as your gender, age, height, current

weight, activity level, and metabolic health.

Reducing calories does not mean starving


A few simple dietary and lifestyle changes,

including exercising,

properly hydrating, and increasing your

protein intake, can help you lose weight

and feel satisfied.

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Simple Steps

How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Simple Steps

Start a custom weight loss program

Noom helps you adopt healthy habits

so you can lose weight

and keep it off.

Your program is customized to your goals

and fitness needs.

Just take a quick assessment

and get started today.

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Many security issues have been uncovered in the software, particularly in 2007, 2008, and 2015. According to Secunia, WordPress in April 2009 had seven unpatched security advisories (out of 32 total), with a maximum rating of "Less Critical". Secunia maintains an up-to-date list of WordPress vulnerabilities.

In January 2007, many high-profile search engine optimization (SEO) blogs, as well as many low-profile commercial blogs featuring AdSense, were targeted and attacked with a WordPress exploit. A separate vulnerability on one of the project site's web servers allowed an attacker to introduce exploitable code in the form of a back door to some downloads of WordPress 2.1.1. The 2.1.2 release addressed this issue; an advisory released at the time advised all users to upgrade immediately.

In May 2007, a study revealed that 98% of WordPress blogs being run were exploitable because they were running outdated and unsupported versions of the software. In part to mitigate this problem, WordPress made updating the software a much easier, "one click" automated process in version 2.7 (released in December 2008). However, the filesystem security settings required to enable the update process can be an additional risk.

In a June 2007 interview, Stefan Esser, the founder of the PHP Security Response Team, spoke critically of WordPress' security track record, citing problems with the application's architecture that made it unnecessarily difficult to write code that is secure from SQL injection vulnerabilities, as well as some other problems.

In June 2013, it was found that some of the 50 most downloaded WordPress plugins were vulnerable to common Web attacks such as SQL injection and XSS. A separate inspection of the top-10 e-commerce plugins showed that seven of them were vulnerable.

In an effort to promote better security, and to streamline the update experience overall, automatic background updates were introduced in WordPress 3.7.

Individual installations of WordPress can be protected with security plugins that prevent user enumeration, hide resources and thwart probes. Users can also protect their WordPress installations by taking steps such as keeping all WordPress installation, themes, and plugins updated, using only trusted themes and plugins, and editing the site's .htaccess configuration file if supported by the web server to prevent many types of SQL injection attacks and block unauthorized access to sensitive files. It is especially important to keep WordPress plugins updated because would-be hackers can easily list all the plugins a site uses, and then run scans searching for any vulnerabilities against those plugins. If vulnerabilities are found, they may be exploited to allow hackers to, for example, upload their own files (such as a web shell) that collect sensitive information.

Developers can also use tools to analyze potential vulnerabilities, including WPScan, WordPress Auditor and WordPress Sploit Framework developed by 0pc0deFR. These types of tools research known vulnerabilities, such as a CSRF, LFI, RFI, XSS, SQL injection and user enumeration. However, not all vulnerabilities can be detected by tools, so it is advisable to check the code of plugins, themes and other add-ins from other developers.

In March 2015, it was reported by many security experts and SEOs, including Search Engine Land, that a SEO plugin for WordPress called Yoast which is used by more than 14 million users worldwide has a vulnerability that could lead to an exploit where hackers can do a Blind SQL injection. To fix that issue they immediately introduced a newer version 1.7.4 of the same plugin to avoid any disturbance on web because of the security lapse that the plugin had.

In January 2017, security auditors at Sucuri identified a vulnerability in the WordPress REST API that would allow any unauthenticated user to modify any post or page within a site running WordPress 4.7 or greater. The auditors quietly notified WordPress developers, and within six days WordPress released a high-priority patch to version 4.7.2, which addressed the problem.

The canvas fingerprinting warning is typically given by Tor Browser for WordPress-based websites.

As of WordPress 5.2, the minimum PHP version requirement is PHP 5.6, which was released on August 28, 2014, and which has been unsupported by the PHP Group and not received any security patches since December 31, 2018. Thus, WordPress recommends using PHP version 7.3 or greater.

In the absence of specific alterations to their default formatting code, WordPress-based websites use the canvas element to detect whether the browser is able to correctly render emoji. Because Tor Browser does not currently discriminate between this legitimate use of the Canvas API and an effort to perform canvas fingerprinting, it warns that the website is attempting to 'extract HTML5 canvas image data'. Ongoing efforts seek workarounds to reassure privacy advocates while retaining the ability to check for proper emoji rendering capability.

Business Opportunities

Successful Home Business Opportunity?

What it Takes to Be Successful With a

Home Business Opportunity

is Revealed in This Article

Effective Marketing: The Key to Building a

Successful Online Business

You can have the greatest business idea in the

world, but if you fail to market it properly you

will never build a successful online business.

Just like a traditional brick and mortar

business, operating a business online requires

you to reach out to the people who are

interested n the goods or services you have

for sale. If you are unable to reach your

target audience-those most likely to be

interested in what you are selling-you will not

be able to reach the number of people

necessary to truly become successful. Simple

promotion of your website may generate a

few sales here and there, but you need an

effective marketing plan in order to bring

visitors to your website and increase your

sales volume.One thing to understand is your marketing

efforts need to go beyond simply submitting

your website to the search engines. While this

part of marketing is important-if you don't

submit your website to the search engines no

one will be able to find it in a search-it is

certainly not the only marketing you should

do. In fact, if search engine submission is the

limit of your marketing efforts, it will take you

quite some time to draw enough visitors to

your website for you to achieve success. In

fact, when you are first starting your online

business, you want to reach as many

potential customers as possible.When you build your advertising platform, it is

also important to identify your target

audience. You don't want to waste efforts

promoting your website to those who are not

likely to be interested; the key to a successful

online business is working hard and

expanding your marketing efforts in order to

reach those who are most likely to buy your

products or services.Choosing the Right Online Business Idea:

Identify Your Specific Needs and Goals In

order to choose the right online business idea

you have to first identify your own specific

needs and goals. Do not choose a business

idea because it worked for your brother,

cousin, or best friend because their needs are

different than yours. You need to personalize

your business so that it will be able to meet

your expectations; for this reason you need to

analyze and evaluate exactly what you want

from your business. You need to set specific

and realistic goals, not just simply saying you

want to make a lot of money. How much

money do you want to make? What is your

time horizon for making that money? How do

you plan to market your business in order to

meet your goals? All of these factors are

important in order to identify what kind of

business will meet your needs and help you

achieve your goals.It is also important to choose an online

business idea that interests you and falls

within your area of expertise. Many people

make the mistake of choosing a business

because they have been led to believe it has

the potential to help them become wealthy

quickly. It is essential to understand that

wealth never comes overnight for anyone;

there is always a great deal of work necessary

for anyone to reach that level in any business.

That doesn't mean it never happens-there are

always exceptions. Sometimes a person just

happens to be in the right place at the right

time and happens to get lucky. Choosing the

right online business idea is not a decision

anyone should make quickly. What you need

to do is look over each possibility and

compare it to your goals, aspirations and

expectations before you make a decision. You

also have to look at it in terms of the time

you have available and the type of investment

you may need to make in order to achieve the

level of success you desire. Only when you

have followed all these steps are you ready to

make a final decision.Finding the Right Online Business

Opportunities: Read and Research First One

of the most important aspects of any online

business is making sure you conduct enough

research to make an informed decision. With

so many online business opportunities it's

important to take the time to research what is

available instead of attempting to make a

quick decision that may turn out to be the

wrong one. It's every easy to think you have

enough information about a business

opportunity to make a decision, but unless

you take your time and compare several

different opportunities you do not have

enough information to make an informed

decision.Is it really that important to research online

business opportunities before you make a

final decision? That depends-ask yourself

another question: how important is it for you

to make money with an online business? If

you're looking for something to gain a little

experience and earn some extra money it

probably isn't very important to conduct a

great deal of research. On the other hand if

you are looking for an online business

opportunity that will generate enough money

for you to earn a substantial part-time or full-

time income you will need to research several

opportunities before you have enough

information to make the right decision.In order to choose the right online business

opportunity you need to evaluate your own

personal situation and ask yourself some

questions such as: * What are you seeking in

a business opportunity? * How much income

are you looking to generate? * How much

time do you wish to devote to promoting and

working your online business? * What kind of

experience and skills do you have? * What is

your educational background?While you do not need a college degree to

operate any of the online business

opportunities, your educational background

will allow you to evaluate your options and

determine the best type of business based on

your education, skills and experience. Those

potential entrepreneurs with a business

background will find it easier to learn the

importance of keeping accurate records with

any business. On the other hand, any person

who has the desire to learn can develop the

business sense necessary to create a

successful online business. When you finish

reviewing potential online business

opportunities you should have enough

knowledge o choose the one that will provide

what you need whether it's to replace or

acquire a full-time job, allow you to earn a

steady income working a few extra hours or

just earn a few extra dollars to have some

extra cash. Making the right decision will

allow you to turn your business opportunity

into whatever you expect it to be. You can't

rush it or you will surely make the wrong

decision.Testing the Waters: Are You Ready for Online

Entrepreneurial Success Certainly there are

many people have dreams on online

entrepreneurial success, but the big question

is: are they ready to pursue those dreams?

The idea appears appealing when you first

think about it, but the problem comes later

when you find you have taken on more than

you were expecting. One of the reasons this

happens is because people are of the

mistaken notion that they can start on line

venture and do very little work. This is

perhaps due to the many advertisements they

read that actually make this mistaken claim.While there are online businesses that will

earn income for the owner without his or her

active participation, there is plenty of work

required before the business will reach that

level of success. Regardless of the type of

business you are interested in operating,

there is a certain amount of work you must

do in order to achieve online entrepreneurial

success. First and foremost you must attract

visitors to your website, and you can only do

that with a strong and efficient marketing

plan. In order to generate sales you must

bring in visitors, but in order to do that you

must first reach out to them and let them

know you have something that will interest

them.If you have entertained the idea of online

entrepreneurial success, you must first ask

yourself if you are prepared to engage in the

amount of marketing and promotional work

necessary to reach that level. For those who

are working full-time this may add additional

hours to an already long business day, but at

the same time it has the potential to provide

financial freedom and flexibility of working

hours. While you may still have to work the

same amount of hours you have always done

(depending on the venture you pursue), you

will be able to work at home and have some

control over the hours you spend tied to a

desk.Generating Online Income One Step at a Time

While the Internet has created a good many

opportunities for people to make money at

home, it has also caused many people to

think making online income is going to be an

easy undertaking. They want to believe some

of the advertisements they read that tell them

you can make money without doing any work,

but the real truth is there is no way to make

income online or offline without doing some

work. You may not have to do the manual

work that is necessary to become successful

in a traditional business, but it is still

necessary to work hard if you want to have a

successful business.Of course, this also brings up the topic of

residual income, and most people see residual

income as income that you earn without

doing any work. While this is true, there is

another thing you have to consider: when you

earn residual income, this means you have

already done the work necessary for you to

earn that income without doing any more

work. It doesn't mean you don't have to do

any work at all to earn a residual income

because there must be a starting point. It

doesn't matter if you are working toward

online income or income from a traditional

business-in order to earn residuals you have

to first build the business to a specific level of

success.Before you even begin trying to make online

income you have to make sure you choose

the business opportunity that is suited best

for your needs. That means you have to first

evaluate what you are seeking from an online

business and what skills you have to bring

into a business. It is also important to

determine how much time you are willing

and/or able to put into building your business.

All of these factors will have a direct bearing

on which business is right for you and will

allow you to generate the most success.Building a Successful Residual Income

Business While having a business that

generates immediate income can be very

important for the day to day expenses you

incur, a residual income business has the

ability to take care of you and your family

even if you are no longer able to work. It

doesn't matter if you don't do another day's

work in your life, once you build a business

that has built in residuals, you will collect

those as long as your business remains

operational. Of course, this also means you

must do a great deal of work to promote your

business so that it reaches the level of

success that is necessary for the payment of

residuals.Most people think the only form of residual

income is when you work some type of

network or multi-level marketing business,

but there are many different businesses that

also offer the opportunity for you to earn

residuals. In a way you might say real estate

is a type of residual business because once

you have the property and tenants in place

you will earn money no matter where you

are. However there can be catches here,

especially if you do not have tenants and the

money is not coming in.Affiliate marketing programs and e-Commerce

also provide ways for a person to earn

residual income. The problem with affiliate

programs and e-Commerce is a person must

continue to promote the programs in order to

make sure you continue to reach those

people who might be interested in what you

are promoting. While in some ways they

operate with residuals, it is only in the sense

that once the websites are set up and you do

the work to get them before the public, you

do not need to do anything more. You can

still earn money when you're on vacation

because your website is doing the work, but

you have to do plenty of work promoting the

website and your products as well. Choosing

a Residual Income OpportunityIf you are looking for something that will

provide income in the future rather than

immediate income, there are a number of

ways you can earn residual income. Most

people who think of residuals immediately

think of network or multi-level marketing

schemes, and while these are certainly very

popular outlets for generating future income,

they are not the only sources available for

building future income. One of the most

important things for anyone to understand

before they become involved in a residual

income opportunity is the meaning of residual

income. For those who are unfamiliar with the

terms, residuals are income sources derived

from working hard to build a business-

bonuses that are paid later are called

residuals.Why would a person want to invest time into a

residual income opportunity instead of making

immediate income? There are many different

reasons that residual income is preferable to

immediate income. One of the most important

reasons a person may invest time into

building a business that offers residuals is

because it will provide income for retirement.

Even if you are currently working and have a

pension or 401K plan, it is always good to

have an additional cushion since many

retirement plans do not have built in cost of

living increases-some people retire and never

receive any additional pension payments in

spite of increases in the cost of living.Another reason that someone may prefer a

residual income opportunity is because many

programs allow the transfer of the residuals

when you die. That means you can build a

business, and when you did your survivors

will be able to cash in on the bonuses you

earn from that business. If this is what you

are seeking you need to check the program

before you become involved in order to

ascertain whether this option is available. Do

not assume each program that offers residual

income is structured the same way.Three Things Every Home Business Owner

Must Know While many people often believe

they could make a success of a business at

home, the fact is, success does not come

easily. Many of the businesses that get

started in homes across the world often fail

very quickly. The problem is that the owner

has not taken everything into account that

could cause them to fail. The following are

the three things that every home business

owner must know:1. Operating a home business takes a lot of

self-discipline. People may think that working

at home is going to make their lives a lot

simpler, but the opposite is usually what

happens. They often find themselves pulled in

too many directions and leave many

important matters pertaining to their work

unattended. Staying on task is the only way

that success is going to come your way. To

do this, you must practice self-discipline and

never take anything in your business for

granted.2. One way to ensure your success is to stay

up-to-date with all of the technological

advances. The computer is going to be your

key to success. If you want to effectively

promote your business, you must create an

Internet marketing strategy. With the

Internet, you have no limit on the amount of

people you can reach in your target market.

Without the knowledge of the computer and

technology, your business will have a difficult

time taking off.3. You also must understand that home

business does not mean a small income.

Truthfully, there are many businesses that are

operated from the home that bring in well

over $100,000 a year. Yours can, too, but you

have to learn not to settle for less. Don't be

happy with $500 a week. Always push for

more and, while it may take some time, you,

too, can enjoy the earnings that your

business can provide to you. Utilizing the

Internet for Small Business MarketingWith the Internet so easily accessible to just

about everyone, it has become a cheap and

easy way to market your small business.

Small business marketing has become a task

that can be managed by any small business

owner, thanks to the convenience of Internet

marketing. All that is needed is some

understanding of how to reach the most

people with the least amount of effort.The most important component of small

business marketing on the Internet is

networking. Networking can be accomplished

on a variety of sites, however, the most

popular sites should be utilized. The

popularity of the networking site can help

boost the number of people your posts reach.

Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace

are great sites that are used by every age

group. Making a profile on each one and

updating them regularly will help you build up

a following and gain more clients. Using your

Internet networking is not only a great way to

get the word out, but also to receive feedback

from customers. A big part of promoting your

business is showing potential and current

clients that you are a business that cares about its customers. Reach out to customers

and ask for their input. Communicating with

the public will help build a name for your

business and will help you make the most

successful business possible, by changing to

meet your customer's needs and desires.Marketing is a big part of every business,

however, small business marketing can be

difficult. Without the big marketing budgets

that large corporations have, it can seem

daunting to get the advertising you need. The

great thing about marketing on the Internet is

that there are a variety of ways to market for

free. The sites mentioned before are great

sites that are free. They take little

maintenance, so you don't have to waste your

time and money on marketing and can focus

on your business.What It Takes To Be Successful With a Home

Business Opportunity Many people are often

so anxious to start a business of their own

that they do not stop to think about all that it

will entail. They often forget about some very

important details. With the statistics showing

that the majority of new businesses fail, it is

imperative that you think everything through.

The first thing is to understand exactly what it

takes to be successful with a home business

opportunity.The first step is choosing a home business

opportunity that suits you needs and pertains

to something that interests you. Get bored

with your new business and you will soon be

out of business. The worst thing is jumping

into a business, investing your money, and

then finding out that it is not something you

would like to continue with.Next, you will want to create a business plan.

You must. It's that simple. Those who fail to

write a business plan are the ones that fail.

This plan will provide you with step-by-step

instructions on how to grow your business or,

in other words, make your new business

succeed.Last, persistence is going to be what will help

you achieve your goals. Without a little

perseverance, you and your new business are

not going to go anywhere. What you may not

know is that no matter which opportunity you

choose to invest your money and time in, it

will take time. Nothing is going to happen

overnight and if it does, you can consider

yourself one of the lucky ones. It takes a lot

to be successful with a home business

opportunity. You have to find something that

you like to do, work out a plan for your

business, and stick with it, even when it

seems like it will never produce any income

for you. If you can't do these three things,

you may want to start looking for work

outside the home.

My name is Joel Martin and I am a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army. I am very excited about the Plug-In Profit opportunity created by Stone Evans and look forward to growing my business. Article Source: []

What it Takes to Be Successful With a Home

Business Opportunity is Revealed in This


Marketing Opportunities

Business Opportunities

What it Takes to Be Successful?

make money with an online business?

What it Takes to Be Successful With a

Home Business Opportunity

is Revealed in This Article

Affiliate marketing programs and


also provide ways for a person to earn

residual income. The problem with affiliate

programs and e-Commerce is a person must

continue to promote the programs in order to

make sure you continue to reach those

people who might be interested in what you

are promoting. While in some ways they

operate with residuals, it is only in the sense

that once the websites are set up and you do

the work to get them before the public, you

do not need to do anything more. You can

still earn money when you're on vacation

because your website is doing the work, but

you have to do plenty of work promoting the

website and your products as well. Choosing

a Residual Income OpportunityIf you are looking for something that will

provide income in the future rather than

immediate income, there are a number of

ways you can earn residual income. Most

people who think of residuals immediately

think of network or multi-level marketing

schemes, and while these are certainly very

popular outlets for generating future income,

they are not the only sources available for

building future income. One of the most

important things for anyone to understand

before they become involved in a residual

income opportunity is the meaning of residual

income. For those who are unfamiliar with the

terms, residuals are income sources derived

from working hard to build a business-

bonuses that are paid later are called

residuals.Why would a person want to invest time into a

residual income opportunity instead of making

immediate income? There are many different

reasons that residual income is preferable to

immediate income. One of the most important

reasons a person may invest time into

building a business that offers residuals is

because it will provide income for retirement.

Even if you are currently working and have a

pension or 401K plan, it is always good to

have an additional cushion since many

retirement plans do not have built in cost of

living increases-some people retire and never

receive any additional pension payments in

spite of increases in the cost of living.Another reason that someone may prefer a

residual income opportunity is because many

programs allow the transfer of the residuals

when you die. That means you can build a

business, and when you did your survivors

will be able to cash in on the bonuses you

earn from that business. If this is what you

are seeking you need to check the program

before you become involved in order to

ascertain whether this option is available. Do

not assume each program that offers residual

income is structured the same way.Three Things Every Home Business Owner

Must Know While many people often believe

they could make a success of a business at

home, the fact is, success does not come

easily. Many of the businesses that get

started in homes across the world often fail

very quickly. The problem is that the owner

has not taken everything into account that

could cause them to fail. The following are

the three things that every home business

owner must know:1. Operating a home business takes a lot of

self-discipline. People may think that working

at home is going to make their lives a lot

simpler, but the opposite is usually what

happens. They often find themselves pulled in

too many directions and leave many

important matters pertaining to their work

unattended. Staying on task is the only way

that success is going to come your way. To

do this, you must practice self-discipline and

never take anything in your business for

granted.2. One way to ensure your success is to stay

up-to-date with all of the technological

advances. The computer is going to be your

key to success. If you want to effectively

promote your business, you must create an

Internet marketing strategy. With the

Internet, you have no limit on the amount of

people you can reach in your target market.

Without the knowledge of the computer and

technology, your business will have a difficult

time taking off.3. You also must understand that home

business does not mean a small income.

Truthfully, there are many businesses that are

operated from the home that bring in well

over $100,000 a year. Yours can, too, but you

have to learn not to settle for less. Don't be

happy with $500 a week. Always push for

more and, while it may take some time, you,

too, can enjoy the earnings that your

business can provide to you. Utilizing the

Internet for Small Business MarketingWith the Internet so easily accessible to just

about everyone, it has become a cheap and

easy way to market your small business.

Small business marketing has become a task

that can be managed by any small business

owner, thanks to the convenience of Internet

marketing. All that is needed is some

understanding of how to reach the most

people with the least amount of effort.The most important component of small

business marketing on the Internet is

networking. Networking can be accomplished

on a variety of sites, however, the most

popular sites should be utilized. The

popularity of the networking site can help

boost the number of people your posts reach.

Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace

are great sites that are used by every age

group. Making a profile on each one and

updating them regularly will help you build up

a following and gain more clients. Using your

Internet networking is not only a great way to

get the word out, but also to receive feedback

from customers. A big part of promoting your

business is showing potential and current

clients that you are a business that cares about its customers. Reach out to customers

and ask for their input. Communicating with

the public will help build a name for your

business and will help you make the most

successful business possible, by changing to

meet your customer's needs and desires.Marketing is a big part of every business,

however, small business marketing can be

difficult. Without the big marketing budgets

that large corporations have, it can seem

daunting to get the advertising you need. The

great thing about marketing on the Internet is

that there are a variety of ways to market for

free. The sites mentioned before are great

sites that are free. They take little

maintenance, so you don't have to waste your

time and money on marketing and can focus

on your business.What It Takes To Be Successful With a Home

Business Opportunity Many people are often

so anxious to start a business of their own

that they do not stop to think about all that it

will entail. They often forget about some very

important details. With the statistics showing

that the majority of new businesses fail, it is

imperative that you think everything through.

The first thing is to understand exactly what it

takes to be successful with a home business

opportunity.The first step is choosing a home business

opportunity that suits you needs and pertains

to something that interests you. Get bored

with your new business and you will soon be

out of business. The worst thing is jumping

into a business, investing your money, and

then finding out that it is not something you

would like to continue with.Next, you will want to create a business plan.

You must. It's that simple. Those who fail to

write a business plan are the ones that fail.

This plan will provide you with step-by-step

instructions on how to grow your business or,

in other words, make your new business

succeed.Last, persistence is going to be what will help

you achieve your goals. Without a little

perseverance, you and your new business are

not going to go anywhere. What you may not

know is that no matter which opportunity you

choose to invest your money and time in, it

will take time. Nothing is going to happen

overnight and if it does, you can consider

yourself one of the lucky ones. It takes a lot

to be successful with a home business

opportunity. You have to find something that

you like to do, work out a plan for your

business, and stick with it, even when it

seems like it will never produce any income

for you. If you can't do these three things,

you may want to start looking for work

outside the home.

My name is Joel Martin and I am a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army. I am very excited about the Plug-In Profit opportunity created by Stone Evans and look forward to growing my business. Article Source: []

What it Takes to Be Successful With a Home

Business Opportunity is Revealed in This


Marketing Opportunities